DAME Awards

The Diamond Awards for Media Excellence Trust Fund; Africa’s longest media awards programme invites for its 28th edition in the following categories.

Print, Online and Broadcasting

Agriculture Reporting

Anti-Corruption Reporting

Best Designed Newspaper

Business Reporting

Child Friendly Reporting

Editorial Cartooning

Education Reporting

Insurance Reporting

Investigative Reporting

Judicial Reporting

Lagos Reporting

Nutrition Reporting

Sports Reporting

News Photography

Editorial Writing

Informed Commentary

Radio Drama

Radio Presenting

Radio Reporting

Television Drama

Television Documentary

Television Reporting


Mode of Entry: All entry materials must be works published in 2018. Headlined 28th DAME, they should be uploaded on the DAME website www.dameawards.com on or before the close of business on Thursday, October 17, 2019.

Materials required include the links to the published works, one page profile of the individual/organisation, and one page background information on the entries.

A work can only be entered in a category.Series will be counted as one.