DAME Awards



The Trustees of the Diamond Awards for Media Excellence (DAME) Trust Fund, Africa’s longest running media awards programme, invite entries for works done and published in 2017, for the 27th edition of the Diamond Awards for Media Excellence (DAME) in the following categories:

Print Journalism: Agriculture Reporting, Best Designed Newspaper, Business Reporting, Child Friendly Reporting, Child Friendly Media, Editorial Cartooning, Editorial Writing, Editorial Integrity, Informed Commentary, Insurance Reporting, Investigative Reporting, Judicial Reporting, Lagos Reporting, Nutrition Reporting, Sports Reporting, News Photography, Newspaper of the Year and Editor of the Year.

Broadcast: Editorial Integrity, Radio Drama, Radio Reporting, Radio Presenting, Television Drama, Television Documentary, Television Reporting

  1. All entry materials must be marked 27th DAME and submitted on or before close of business on Wednesday, 17th October 2018, in triplicate. Kindly visit dameawards.com for submission guidelines.
  2. Entries in the Reporting categories should conform to DAME’s ABCADER principle of: Accuracy, Balance, Contextual Analysis, Depth of Research/Investigation, Engaging use of language, and Relevance of subject.
  3. Entries in the Commentary category (Editorial Writing and Informed Commentary) will be judged on the basis of Subject, Substance, Significance, Structure, Style and Size. Works to be entered for this category must therefore have these essential sextet.
  4. A work can only be entered in ONE category. Also, if a newspaper story involves more than three individuals, it should be submitted in the name of the media organization to which those individuals are affiliated.
  5. Any significant challenge to the honesty, accuracy or fairness of an entry such as published rejoinders, corrections and retractions, should be addressed in the cover letter.


First held in 1992, DAME is a not-for-profit trust established to enhance professionalism in the Nigerian media. Apart from the 26 uninterrupted annual awards presentations to date, it holds periodic training for media professionals.

For the first time in the Award’s history, Lagos Reporting and Nutrition Reporting, sponsored by Nestle plc  are included in the roll honours.

Best of luck!



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