DAME Awards

As preparation enters top gear for the 31st edition of the prestigious Diamond Awards for Media Excellence (DAME), the Trustees are delighted to announce that for the first time, DAME will be giving the PIND prize for Niger-Delta Development Reporting.
This category is made possible through DAME’s collaboration with the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND), a non-governmental organisation with demonstrable experience and authority in sustainable development programming in the Niger-Delta region.
Reporters across different media platforms whose interest and works resonate with development in the Niger-Delta are invited to a special workshop where the technicalities underlying the award will be duly communicated.
The virtual workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, 20th July 2022, and interested participants are invited to register in advance for this meeting here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kdOqvrTgpGNIeviXO6bXQRPpnz3RqpgPr
Deadline for registration is Monday, 18th July.
We look forward to a robust meeting of Solution Journalists at the workshop.
DAME Secretariat
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