DAME Awards

The Diamond Awards for Media Excellence (DAME) has invited entries for the 30th edition of the annual awards in 24 categories, broadly grouped under reporting, commentary, documentary-drama, aesthetic and overall awards.


The categories are:


REPORTING: Agriculture Reporting, Business Reporting, Child Friendly Reporting, Education Reporting, Insurance Reporting, Investigative Reporting, Judicial Reporting, Lagos Reporting, Nutrition Reporting, Radio Reporting, Sports Reporting, and Television Reporting. 

COMMENTARY: Editorial Cartooning, Editorial Writing, Informed Commentary

DOCUMENTARY-DRAMA: Radio Drama, Television Drama, Television Documentary

AESTHETICS: Best Designed Newspaper, Best Media Website, News Photography

OVERALL AWARDS: Child-friendly Medium, Newspaper of the Year, Editor of the Year


Since 1992, DAME has conferred annual recognition on individuals and institutions for outstanding works in the field of mass communication in the conviction that by so doing performance can be benchmarked and public confidence strengthened in media work. 


Entries are limited to two per individual in a category and must be for works published in 2020. The deadline for submission is October 5, 2021. All entry materials must be uploaded  on our website www.dameawards.com


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