Our organization is able to continue its mission because of your support and generosity.

By contributing, you’ll help ensure that our work continues.

With your contribution, we are committed to making a difference to Nigeria’s media landscape both now and for future Nigerians.

Our priority funding areas are:

  • Fellowships and leadership programs
  • Mentoring

Will you join us?

DAME is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on support from corporate organisations, foundations and individuals to develop a wide range of programs.

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Bank Transfers

Bank Transfers up to N100,000 can be facilitated using the following account details


DAME Awards 


Account Number

Please contact our office first for details on transfers over N100,000

Get in touch

If you are interested in learning more about our programmes or would like to discuss your support with DAME further please do not hesitate to contact info@dameawards.com or call 2348023508533.